Knots and Tangles

Having a job, I've found, really puts a knot in one's knitting time!

Location: Broadalbin, NY, United States

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Knitting as a diversion

To sum it up: No, there isn't (a light at the end of the tunnel... at least not yet). 'Nuff said.

I've decided that I have knitting ADHD. The Obodoh scarf is still in process (the kiwi bird design is completed and I've managed to weave in all of the ends, and it actually looks pretty decent...) and I have "odoh" and part of the "b" knitting in. However it is rather frustrating, and again I'll reiterate that knitting intarsia in the round is not so fun. So that's the sort of project I pick up occasionally, but is not one that I yearn to sit and knit away at.

While that is going on, I also have the damned second purple glove, which is so very close to completed yet I just got bored with it (and seeing as though it's 85 degrees and humid, I'm not exactly thinking winter these days). So it's still "in progress" but on the backburner, for sure.

So to occupy my (as of today, again) unemployed and worried hands and mind, I have started the Picovoli by Grumperina. I'm using KnitPicks Shine Sport in "Violet", with number 2 circulars. I have just gotten through most of the raglan increases (it's knitted top down) so no interesting pictures yet. So far I love the feel of the fabric, so soft. And the color is nice too. I hope it fits!!!

Pictures to come... first I have to find my desk under this pile of stuff. What is this stuff? Where does it all come from?

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Could there really be a light at the end of this tunnel??

I had an interview yesterday, which I felt went very successfully. It was my first "panel" type interview, in which 5 people were all in this room interviewing me. I thought I would be a nervous wreck (and I was feeling sick to my stomach up to the point of walking into the room) but I somehow managed this composure that I didn't know I had. It was weird. I was able to speak coherent English. I really think I nailed this interview, and being that the school is IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE I'm hoping that there weren't many candidates, which gives me a better chance. I went into the situation rather ambivalent about working there.... and when I left, I was excited that A) the interview was over, B) I had done what I think to be a pretty damned good job, and C) I would really be interested in this job. Moreover, I think I have a good chance, and that is the best feeling ever.

Obviously there are downsides as well as upsides to this potential opportunity:
  • Upsides -- it is a brand new position, the district didn't even have it's own school psychologist before, so the person who gets the job (me???) would essentially mold the position to whatever he/she wants it to be. It's a unique opportunity, and one that I think I would do well in. It's full-time, tenure tracked... and a nice small school that I'd feel comfortable in.

  • Downsides -- it's far away. It would involve moving, but we planned to do that. However, it is 1 hr and 45 mins from our house right now... not exactly a happy commuting time until we find a house more in it's vicinity. So, that's a potentially scary situation... one that could involve me living in a hotel room 5 days per week and coming home on weekends for a few weeks. Cross that bridge when we come to it, as they say. Another potential downside: I have no idea what the salary might be. Could be kind of shitty given that it's a small district that's in a relatively lower class area. Not ultimately important, but something to consider.

I should find out by the end of the coming week if they're interested in bringing me on board... will my poor, stressed heart be able to wait??

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Cold and rainy

We're back to the chillier and rainy weather again. Just in time for me to finish my first glove (note: not pair of gloves, but single glove). I took it straight from The Knitter's Handy Book of Patterns: Basic Designs in Multiple Sizes & Guages by Ann Budd. I used some purple worsted weight yarn of unknown origin (my mother had it in a bin of yarn) and size 5 bamboo DPNs. Here she is:
The pattern was easy to follow once I'd copied the pattern pages and highlighted the numbers corresponding to my size and gauge. As you can see, nothing too complicated. I thought for my first pair I'd stick with the basics and try for fancier stuff later. Now comes the boring part, glove two!