Knots and Tangles

Having a job, I've found, really puts a knot in one's knitting time!

Location: Broadalbin, NY, United States

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Feeling hot, hot, hot!

It's been forever since I've updated my knitting progress... and the progress has been minimal, unfortunately. Sometimes I just knit and knit and knit during any 5 or 10 minutes (or longer, for sure) that I can manage to work it in. Then all of the sudden, around the Fourth of July weekend, I hit a wall. In fact, just the other day I realized that I hadn't even picked up my knitting at all in 6 straight days (except to move it out of the way). I think there may be something wrong with me!! I'm back in the game now, though, I'm glad to report. I've continued working on my Picovoli by Grumperina, and it seems to be coming along well. I'm enjoying the yarn, as it is a gorgeous color and so soft.

My needles... it's quite odd. They're the inexpensive Boye circulars in size 2 (which I realized partway into my Picovoli that I probably should have used a size 3 to get the exact gauge... but as usual I was impatient and since I didn't HAVE a size 3 circular... ). Anyways, the tip of the right needle has become worn down almost to a sharp, flattened edge.

As you may or may not be able to see, the needle on the left (which, in this current project, is my left hand needle) has a worn area where the green color is gone, but it is still rounded. However, the needle on the right (my current right hand needle) has a distinct slanted, sharp edge.... not entirely accurately shown in this picture. Trust me, it's there. I'm hoping that next time I use these needles, I'll remember to switch the direction so the pointy one is the left hand needle, maybe I can even it out!

Anyways, here's my progress on Picovoli:

Close up of the shaping decreases above the waist

So, as you can see it's coming along nicely, and I should have just enough yarn to complete the project. I bought the seven required skeins, but I frigged up one of them pretty badly... a badly pulled-out center of the ball mishap. I saved it, just in case I run out of untangled yarn and need it as back-up, but it's looking pretty good that six will just BARELY complete the job.

This ugly bug decided that the Picovoli was at least good enough to lounge on for a while.

As for life in general... It is damned hot here, and will continue to be for the next few days. It's ok, except that because it is just so hot and muggy and we never bother to put in our air conditioner (b/c truthfully, we only really NEED it these 4 or 5 days each year... and we're lazy)... so my desire to throw a half of a tshirt sized project into my already sweating lap just does not appeal to me that much. Which is unfortunate, because the heat really makes it impossible to even consider doing anything else productive!

I have really only one job prospect in the works right now. Got a rejection phone call on the same day that I had an interview about a week and a half ago... and then got a rejection letter just yesterday as a result of that previous interview. However, I did get called for a second interview at one school, but I won't hear about that particular job until probably the end of the month. I'm trying not to get my hopes up... but other than having sent a few resumes out, this is all I've got to hang on right now. There are a few that I may get interviews for... but to be quite honest most of the other jobs that I've only gone so far as to send resumes for, I'm not really too interested in them. I suppose at this point I'll take whatever I'm offered... but wouldn't it be nice to find something and accept something that I actually want to do, in a location that I would want to live in??? Wouldn't it be nice...

One of the interview questions that keeps coming up is "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" My immediate reaction to that question is this:
IF I KNEW THAT, I wouldn't feel so DAMNED STRESSED about having to SIT HERE in THIS CHAIR, trying to sound EDUCATED, INTELLIGENT, and EXPERIENCED when I don't feel ANY OF THOSE THINGS!!!!!!!!!

Thankfully, so far, I've managed not to answer in that manner.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Fourth!!

Happy Fourth of July!!
View of the Empire State Plaza (Albany, NY) fireworks, from my attic window.